How Often Should I Have My Body Checked for Skin Cancer?Feb 25, 2025Skin cancer is extremely common, and while it can be treated, early detection is essential. Here, learn why skin cancer screening is so important and how often you should be screened to prevent complications.Continue reading →
Why Mohs Surgery Is the Gold Standard for Removing Skin CancerFeb 14, 2025Mohs surgery is a state-of-the-art procedure used to treat several types of skin cancer, and in most cases, it’s favored over traditional surgery. Here’s what makes it the gold standard for treating skin cancer.Continue reading →
Learn How Blepharoplasty Can Take Years Off Your FaceJan 18, 2025Your eyelids may be a relatively small facial feature, but when it comes to your appearance, they have a big impact. If your lids are sagging or drooping, blepharoplasty could be the key to helping you look and feel younger and more confident.Continue reading →
What Happens During a Full-Body Skin Cancer Screening?Dec 12, 2024Skin cancer affects millions of people, but the good news is, most cases are treatable when caught early. Having a full-body skin cancer screening is the best way to identify cancers in their earliest stages. Here’s what to expect during your exam.Continue reading →
Tummy Tuck vs. LiposuctionNov 11, 2024Both abdominoplasty and liposuction can get rid of unwanted belly flab, but they differ in key ways. Here’s how these two treatments compare and how to tell which one can help you achieve your unique aesthetic goals.Continue reading →
Managing Eczema on Your FaceOct 18, 2024Eczema can be uncomfortable and embarrassing — especially when it develops on your face. Here, learn some simple tips to help you manage your eczema and enjoy a clearer complexion. Continue reading →
What's Included in a Mommy Makeover?Sep 01, 2024Being a mom comes with lots of joys, but having a “mom bod” isn’t one of them. Mommy makeovers can help restore your pre-pregnancy body and your confidence, too. Here’s what to know.Continue reading →
Why You Should Choose NeoGraftⓇ for Your Hair Restoration ProcedureAug 09, 2024Hair loss affects millions of people, and while it may not be life-threatening, there’s no denying the profound effect it can have on your self-confidence. Neograft is an advanced hair restoration that can help. Here’s why you should consider it. Continue reading →
Look Younger With BotoxJul 15, 2024Lines and wrinkles can make us look older than we’d like, but fortunately, there are solutions. In fact, Botox® is one of the most popular solutions, smoothing out facial lines without surgery or downtime. Here’s how it can help you.Continue reading →
Is Mohs Surgery a Treatment for Skin Cancer?Jun 20, 2024Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States, but fortunately, most cancers respond very well to early treatment. Mohs surgery is designed to eliminate cancerous tissue while leaving healthy tissue intact. Here’s how it works.Continue reading →
Skin Cancer ABCDEsMay 14, 2024Skin cancer can be life-threatening, but the good news is, early detection and treatment are associated with excellent outcomes. Skin cancer screenings are essential, but so are home exams using the ABCDE technique. Here’s how it works.Continue reading →
3 Effective Acne Treatments You May Not Have TriedMar 12, 2024Acne can be especially difficult to treat, but there are more options than ever to help you have clearer, healthier skin. Here are three treatments you might not know about. Continue reading →
All About Atypical Moles: Learn the ABCDEs of MelanomaMar 01, 2024Melanoma is the deadliest type of skin cancer, but fortunately, it’s very treatable when diagnosed early. Here, learn the simple ABCDE method of early detection, so you can take important steps to seek diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible.Continue reading →
Why Do I Have Skin Tags, and What Can I Do About Them?Feb 13, 2024Skin tags may not be serious, but they’re still unattractive, and some can be downright uncomfortable. Here’s why skin tags happen and what treatments we offer that can eliminate pesky tags and improve your skin’s appearance. Continue reading →
Microneedling With PRP: Start the New Year With Our Ultimate Anti-Aging Facial Jan 01, 2024The new year is a time of renewal, so why not start with your skin? Microneedling with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) can treat multiple age-related issues affecting your complexion. Here’s how it can help you.Continue reading →
4 In-Office Treatments That Can Help Put an End to Chronic Acne BreakoutsDec 13, 2023Acne doesn’t just affect you physically — it takes an emotional toll, too. Fortunately, acne can be managed with a custom treatment plan based on your unique needs. Here are four in-office treatments that can help. Continue reading →
Are Chemical Peels Safe?Nov 01, 2023Chemical peels are a popular treatment for many people, but if you’ve never had one before, you might be wondering if they’re safe. Here, learn the answer. Continue reading →
Can I Get Botox and Fillers at the Same Time?Oct 01, 2023If you’ve been considering injectables, you might be wondering if it’s OK to have Botox® and fillers at the same time — even at the same office visit. In this post, we have the answers.Continue reading →
What to Expect During a Full-Body Skin Cancer Screening Sep 01, 2023Skin cancer affects millions of Americans every year, but fortunately, most cancers are highly treatable when diagnosed early. Having a full-body scan is one of the best ways of spotting skin cancers early. Here’s what to expect during your scan.Continue reading →
6 Ways to Help You Avoid Eczema TriggersAug 01, 2023Eczema causes a host of uncomfortable symptoms, and typically, those symptoms can get a lot worse when exposed to specific triggers. Here’s what you can do to avoid those triggers and reduce your symptoms, too.Continue reading →
5 Ways Your Skin Benefits From a Chemical PeelJul 01, 2023Chemical peels use special solutions to restore skin and rejuvenate your complexion, yet many people still aren’t sure what these popular treatments can do. Here are five important benefits that can help you decide if a peel is right for you. Continue reading →
How to Avoid Rosacea TriggersJun 07, 2023Rosacea symptoms can be both uncomfortable and embarrassing, but treatment can definitely help. Avoiding rosacea triggers is another way to reduce flare-ups. Here are the triggers you need to be aware of. Continue reading →
Why Botox® Is a Great Addition to Your Anti-Aging RegimenMay 05, 2023No matter how well you care for your skin, at some point, lines and wrinkles are going to make an appearance. The good news: Botox® can help. Here’s why this simple, in-office treatment should be a part of your skin care routine.Continue reading →
Mohs Surgery: The Best Treatment Available for Skin CancerApr 20, 2023Have you received a skin cancer diagnosis? Mohs surgery can prevent you from needing extensive and costly cancer treatments and might even save your life. Explore the world’s most advanced skin cancer surgery here. Continue reading →
What Does Skin Cancer Look Like: How To Do A Self-ExamJan 23, 2023When skin cancer is caught early, it is usually highly treatable. One in five Americans is estimated to develop skin cancer in their lifetime, regardless of skin color.Continue reading →
How Long Do Lip Fillers Last? What You Need To KnowDec 28, 2022How long you can enjoy your lip filler results depends on the type of filler you choose, the amount of filler injected, and the treated area. Your metabolism may also play a part in how long your fillers last,...Continue reading →
Scar RevisionFeb 12, 2022What is scar revision? Scar revision reduces the prominence of scars that result from injury or previous surgery. Although many scars fade over time and become barely noticeable, disruptions to the healing process can cause them to become red, raised,...Continue reading →
Treating Skin Cancer on the FaceFeb 05, 2022A condition that requires aggressive removal, along with a delicate, aesthetic eye. Skin cancer is a growing concern. Every hour a person dies of melanoma, and this year alone, over 76,000 new cases of melanoma will be diagnosed.Continue reading →
Seborrheic KeratosisJan 29, 2022What are seborrheic keratosis? Don’t worry, these skin lesions are much less worrisome than they sound. Seborrheic keratosis are also referred to as SKs, and they are non-cancerous lesions that grow on the outer layer of the skin, the epidermis.Continue reading →
Actinic Keratosis: the Precancerous Pathway to Squamous Cell CarcinomaJan 22, 2022What is actinic keratosis? Actinic keratosis is a skin condition that is known to progress into squamous cell carcinoma. These lesions are, in fact, the most common precancerous skin condition.Continue reading →
How to Spot Squamous Cell CarcinomaJan 15, 2022What is squamous cell carcinoma? Squamous cell carcinoma is a major type of skin cancer that arises from the outer epidermal layer of the skin and mucous membranes.Continue reading →
What does Melanoma look like?Jan 08, 2022If you Googled “What does Melanoma look like” and ended up here, you’re in the right place. We receive hundreds of calls each week from people in the exact position you are in right now.Continue reading →
The Magnificence of MicroneedlingDec 18, 2021For those who follow Luminary Dermatology on social media, you’ve probably seen microneedling mentioned more than once. With all the rave, you may be wondering, what exactly is microneedling? We’re here to tell!Continue reading →
Get Ahead of HivesDec 11, 2021It’s happened to all of us. You try a new laundry detergent, a dog jumps on your lap, you eat a brownie… with nuts in it; a random trigger and suddenly your skin is hit with an outbreak of urticaria.Continue reading →
The Wrath of RosaceaDec 04, 2021Rosacea is an all-too-common, chronic skin condition that affects up to 10 percent of the population, although many people are unaware that they have it.Continue reading →
Hidradenitis Suppurativa: A Challenging Skin Condition That Often Gets MisdiagnosedNov 27, 2021Back in September, Luminary Dermatology introduced our readers to Hidradenitis suppurativa, or HS. Let’s delve deeper into the challenging skin condition and why it often goes misdiagnosed.Continue reading →
Sensitive Skin CareNov 06, 2021With the cooler months making their debut, Luminary would like to offer a helping hand to our sensitive skinned friends. Do I have sensitive skin? If you aren’t quite sure whether or not you have sensitive skin, it’s highly possible.Continue reading →
Spooky Spider….. VeinsOct 30, 2021Happy Halloween! With spiders being the unofficial mascot of this Spooktacular holiday, what better scary skin condition to discuss than spider veins.Continue reading →
Catering to the North Port CommunityOct 24, 2021NORTH PORT, FLORIDA – It’s no secret that Luminary Dermatology is constantly evolving to better the quality of care they provide their patients. This time, Luminary has adapted all too well to the obstacles of their environment.Continue reading →
Are You Ready for Restylane?Oct 17, 2021Odds are you’ve probably seen a thing or two about dermal fillers. Dermal fillers have grown immensely popular in the world of cosmetic dermatology over the past few years. Continue reading →
Is PDT Right For Me?Oct 10, 2021In the derm world, photodynamic therapy is well-known. But odds are, if you aren’t someone who lives and breathes dermatology—like we do at Luminary—you’re probably wondering what is photodynamic therapy?Continue reading →
Healthy Aging MonthSep 26, 2021September is Healthy Aging Month and Luminary Dermatology would be remiss if we bypassed this opportunity to talk about, you guessed it—sun protection!Continue reading →
Eczema EducationSep 12, 2021Tomorrow commences National Eczema Week and Luminary Dermatology is doing our part to spread awareness and information surrounding this prevalent skin disorder.Continue reading →
Have You Heard of Hidradenitis Suppurativa?Sep 05, 2021Hidradenitis suppurativa effects approximately 1 to 4 percent of people in the United States. This skin condition causes small, painful lumps to form beneath the surface of one’s skin.Continue reading →
Hair Loss & RestorationAug 29, 2021Move over psoriasis, because August is ALSO Hair Loss Awareness Month! Luminary is shining some light on the subject — sharing tips and information about this common condition. Continue reading →
Arcadia Office NOW OPEN!Aug 22, 2021As Luminary Dermatology strives to fulfill their mission of providing quality care and accessibility for all, another location has officially opened as of August 2021.Continue reading →
Psoriasis Awareness Month: Types & TreatmentsAug 15, 2021Psoriasis Awareness Month is in full swing and there’s so much more that you need to know about this common, chronic skin condition. As we explained in our previous article, The Inside Scoop on Psoriasis, it is a result of a rapid buildup of skin cells.Continue reading →
Cellulite: Causes & TreatmentsAug 08, 2021Cellulite is a cosmetic skin condition involving the accumulation of fatty deposits under the skin. It presents as areas of dimpled or puckered skin, most often appearing on the thighs, hips, buttocks and abdomen.Continue reading →
The Inside Scoop on PsoriasisAug 01, 2021August is Psoriasis Awareness Month and Luminary Dermatology is ready to answer the most common questions that many seem to have about this condition!Continue reading →
Time to Talk About ToxinsJul 18, 2021Practically everyone has heard about Botox and has somewhat of an understanding of what it is and does. Luminary is ready to teach you all about toxins, and answer the questions you didn’t even know you had—you’re welcome.Continue reading →
Open Wounds: Types & TreatmentsJul 11, 2021An open wound involves a break in the skin or tissue that may be caused by, among other things, accident, injury or animal bite. A laceration is a type of open wound, one with jagged, irregular edges.Continue reading →
All About AcneJul 04, 2021Acne is a common condition that causes blocked pores, pimples, nodules, cysts and other lesions on the skin of the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and upper arms. Although teenagers are often affected, adults of any age can suffer from acne.Continue reading →
Laser Services for Acne TreatmentJun 27, 2021June is Acne Awareness Month and Luminary Dermatology can treat that pesky acne, year-round, with laser treatments. Acne can cause inflammation and swelling which is due in part to bacteria that builds up within the clogged sebaceous glands. Continue reading →
Restoring Glow to Your Skin, Luminary Dermatology Presents the HALO LaserJun 11, 2021SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA – HALO is the world’s very first hybrid fractional laser and it is revolutionizing the process of skin resurfacing. Luminary Dermatology is one of only a few providers in greater Sarasota AND Manatee Counties to offer...Continue reading →
Common Misconceptions About AcneJun 11, 2021It’s Acne Awareness Month and Luminary Dermatology is ready to debunk some infamous acne myths! It’s important to know that certain factors do not affect acne at all. Myths about acne vary from the foods that are eaten to hygiene techniques.Continue reading →
Luminary Dermatology of Homestead Welcomes Harib Ezaldein, MD & Miesha Merati, DOJun 11, 2021HOMESTEAD, FLORIDA – Luminary Dermatology takes pride in having the best providers of dermatology across the state of Florida. In keeping with that, the practice is pleased to formally introduce the most recent additions to the team; Harib Ezaldein, MD...Continue reading →